Installation / Upgrade
- Create an empty database on SQL Server for a new installation.
- Download the FileXferUtil.*.zip file and extract.
- Run the FileXferUtil.*.exe installer file as an administrator to install.
- Run the FileXferSQLDB.exe executable to setup and configure the database.
- Run the FileXferAdmin.exe executable to configure file transfers.
FileXferUtil.exe and FileXferAdmin.exe always uses windows authentication when connecting to the SQL Server database. Four database roles are created and users / service accounts must be a member of these roles.
These roles are:
- XferDaemon – Used by service accounts that are transferring files.
- XferManage – Users of this role can manage all settings in the database via the user interface.
- XferConfig – Users of this role can view all settings in the database via the user interface.
- XferReport – Used by the SQL Server Reporting Services account.
These roles can also be configured by FileXferSQLDB.exe.
Users in the db_owner database role or the sysadmin server role are also members of the roles above.
- Upload the .rds and .rdl files from the Setup directory to the SQL Server Reporting Server.
- Configure the data source connection.
- Configure the reports data sources to the one configured above.
Run FileXferAdmin.exe.
There are 4 main configuration tabs, these are:
- Remote Hosts – Configure connection details to remote hosts.
- Transfer Settings – Configure file transfer settings for uploading or downloading.
- Encryption Settings – Configure files for encryption (uploaded files) or decryption (downloaded files).
- Application Settings – Configure global application settings.
Once the transfer settings have been configured, an execution command line like FileXferUtil.exe EC033BC2-9144-47B4-B529-F35F633D4AC3 will be available to copy and paste into your scheduler of choice.
To setup email notifications
- Configure a database mail profile via SQL Server Manager.
- Configure application setting Email.DBMailProfile with the name of the profile configured above.
- Configure email templates and filters.
- Configure notification profiles for each file transfer.